Friday, October 12, 2007

Chapter 110

Light filtered in through a crack in the ceiling. The dust motes danced thickly above the writhing mass on the floor. The smell of shame hung in the air like wet sulfur. Old and broken furniture lay scattered across the floor, occasionally shifting with the movements below.

And just when the mind would dismiss the mass of creatures on the floor as rats, they began to form up. Biting each other with razor sharp teeth, creature after creature climbed over each other, forming a vaguely human shape. It limped to the closet (door askew) and crammed itself into a suit, shoes.

The creature (composed of other, smaller creatures) grabbed a sheet of what appeared to be parchment off the broken vanity. Slowly, it dipped its head toward the parchment, until it became apparent that it was not parchment - it was, in fact, human skin. The human skin of a man once known as the Colonel.

And so, with that, the Creature prepared to meet its leader.

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