Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Chapter 116

The scene is someone's car. It's a late eighties sedan and smells of fast food and sweat. The backseat is covered with assorted garbage: broken CD cases, old towels, candy wrappers, batteries. If we look out the sort-of-clean passenger window, we can see the pretty girl embracing the young man goodbye. His companion is already half in the car, anxiously tapping his foot on the pavement. The stiff one stands on the porch awkwardly.

And as the car finally pulls away and we look to see the young driver of our car, we see a smile cross his face. But it's not a smile of's a smile that chills the spine and causes the stomach to inside-out itself. It's a smile that, once seen, can't be unseen.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Chapter 115

"Steve, this is ridiculous!" Jen said, following him out the front door. Blake had already loaded his bags into the trunk and was ready to go.

"Jen. Listen. This is something we need to do. We're past the point of where what we thought we knew makes sense. We're being...guided. And I'm being guided to Africa."

"Steve, how are you going to pay for a plane ticket to Africa? They're ridiculously expensive."

"I got it," Blake said. "Money's not a problem."

"What? How can you say that?"

"Jen, one of the things we learn about where I come from is the Super Bowl. Culturally, it's more important to know the Super Bowl winners than any of your presidents. So I placed a bet or two..."

"See, Jen? Things are good. I'll call you when I get there."

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Chapter 114

"Steve, what's going on?" Jen said, following Steve into his room.

Steve paused, folded T-shirt in his hand. The bag he was packing was already half-full in the time it had taken Jen to finish her conversation with Humbot.

"It's the dreams."

"The what?"

"I've been having these dreams - Blake has too, I can tell. There's a man, and he's in trouble. There are hyenas, and, if someone doesn't help him -"

"So we're going to Africa?"

"No. You're staying here with Humbot."


"Have you been having the dreams?"

"Not that I can - "

"Then you aren't meant to go."

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Chapter 113

"What are you watching?!" Blake was nearly frantic.

"I don't know," Jen said, "some nature show?"

Steve's face had drained of its color. Without saying anything, he slowly turned to Blake. A brief look flitted between them, and then an almost imperceptible nod. Steve turned up the volume.

"...the brown hyena is native to Sub-Saharan Africa. They hunt in packs, and..."

"Africa," Steve repeated. He got up and went into his room.

Blake had also left the room.

"Humbot, what's going on?"

"They've been sharing dreams, Jennipher. And their dreams feature these hyenas. And so they're going to Africa."


"Sub-Saharan Africa, to be precise." And Humbot fell silent on that point.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Chapter 112

Blake and Humbot came through the door, still a little frustrated by their unsuccessful day. Jen and Steve were in the living room, watching a nature show, and turned to greet them (and maybe because the beef sandwiches smelled delicious). Jen's hair hung loose and looked amazing with her baby blue shirt. Steve was distracted by her, but ultimately tore himself away in time to grab a sandwich.

"So," Jen said, between bites, "what's next?"

"What do you mean?" Blake said.

"What she means," Steve said, "is what do we do now? Where do we go? How do we achieve this mission?"

"I don't really know. Priority A number One was to make sure you two were safe. We were hoping you'd have some clue as to what to do next."

"We don't."


Blake buried his face in his hands, running the heels of his hands down his jaws, a technique he often used to relieve stress. A technique he had used too often in the past few months.

"Blake?" Steve said.

"Yeah?" Blake looked up - and saw something that made him forget his stress.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Chapter 111

Blake and Humbot were not happy. The service at the local Papa John's had been so bad, they had eventually given up and gone somewhere else. Blake pointed out that Jen probably wouldn't want pizza because of its association with the Colonel. They picked up roast beef sandwiches and headed home, half an hour later than they wanted to.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Chapter 110

Light filtered in through a crack in the ceiling. The dust motes danced thickly above the writhing mass on the floor. The smell of shame hung in the air like wet sulfur. Old and broken furniture lay scattered across the floor, occasionally shifting with the movements below.

And just when the mind would dismiss the mass of creatures on the floor as rats, they began to form up. Biting each other with razor sharp teeth, creature after creature climbed over each other, forming a vaguely human shape. It limped to the closet (door askew) and crammed itself into a suit, shoes.

The creature (composed of other, smaller creatures) grabbed a sheet of what appeared to be parchment off the broken vanity. Slowly, it dipped its head toward the parchment, until it became apparent that it was not parchment - it was, in fact, human skin. The human skin of a man once known as the Colonel.

And so, with that, the Creature prepared to meet its leader.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Chapter 109

Blake and Humbot were, at the time, outside of Alligretti's Pizza, looking for any clue toward where they could find the Colonel. Blake wasn't at a hundred percent - he had hoped that with the kids saved, his nightmares would stop, but no. Humbot was off following a trail of what could have been blood or sauce from a drippy Italian Sausage sandwich.

Blake sighed. Five years in this time. They had done what they needed to do, but it didn't feel done. And, as his preschool teacher, Sergeant Bagley, had said, if something didn't feel done, it's probably because it wasn't done. Granted, that had referred to bathroom behavior, but the principle was the same.

"Let's go, Humbot. We're not finding anything on this guy."

"Sounds good, Blake. It's been a long time, anyway."

"I just wish we knew more about this Colonel guy."

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Chapter 108

How do you wake up the girl who is your destiny? Steve wondered as he watched Jennipher sleep. He considered talking, but it seemed like such an indelicate way to wake up someone so...important to him. He considered and quickly dismissed kicking the couch. And it wasn't the tranquil sleep of Snow White, so kissing was out of the question - it was just a normal girl, asleep on the couch of a time-traveling soldier sent back to save mankind - from what, he hadn't said.

Briefly he considered throwing a bucket of ice water on her - a smile came to his lips as he imagined her reaction, but then he immediately felt guilty. Drenching your one true love in ice water to wake her up seemed wrong, too. Still, there were worse decisions to make then how to wake someone you cared for.

Steve reached out, slowly, and gently rubbed Jen's back. She stirred and he almost stopped.

"Jen - time to get up. It's almost noon."

She opened one eye and smiled.

"Was I grinding my teeth?" she asked shyly.

"No - you grind your teeth?"


Steve smiled again. "I find it amazing that you aren't perfect."

Jen groaned. "I am so not perfect."

"We'll worry about it later. Come on. Let's find something to eat. Blake and Humbot went out early this morning."

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Chapter 107

Blake was restless. The dream had come back, stronger and more realistic than ever. Sometimes he envied Humbot, for his dreams of electric sheep or whatever he had. Nothing about the pack of - Blake shook his head. Not tonight.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Chapter 106

Jen couldn't sleep. Blake's couch - while comfortable - was not her bed at home. She had left a note for her parents when she went home to throw some supplies into a bag, but still worried about their reaction. And their safety, when she allowed her mind to wander.

Blake's house didn't sound right. Jen realized she was used to the familiar sounds of home that had become subaudible - things she heard without hearing them. The sound of her ceiling fan and computer monitor. The train horn at the crossing by the Little League field. Even her father's trips to the bathroom.

She kicked off the sheet and got off the couch. Maybe Blake had some Yogi Tea to help her get some rest.

Steve didn't seem as worried. At least, he had no problem falling asleep in the recliner in Blake's living room. Jen passed him on the way to the kitchen and smiled. Now, without the threat of destiny hanging over their heads, it was easier to think about him.

Sadly, there was no tea to be found in Blake's kitchen. Jen settled for a glass of water and headed back to her room. As she passed Steve again, he seemed to be struggling with something. Jen approached cautiously, hoping it wasn't something serious.

Steve was dreaming, that much was obvious. He was moving his right arm in circles like he was digging. His legs kicked feebly under the blanket and he was almost whimpering. Without realizing it, Jen was standing over him. A drop of condensation on the outside of her glass trickled down, paused, then fell onto Steve's face.

He woke immediately, startled.

"Are you okay?" Jen said, concerned.

"Yeah. Just a weird dream, I guess."

"We've had a weird day."

"Yeah. Yeah we have. What are you doing up?"

"Couldn't sleep."

"You should try. Any sleep is better than no sleep."

"I know. Have a good night, Steve."

"Night, Jen."

Jen headed back to her room and closed the door. She set the glass of water down and laid down on the couch. Somehow, knowing she was in this with Steve made it a little better, and she fell asleep without a problem.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Chapter 105

With a great effort, Stares-At-The-Sun pulled himself to his feet. He had done what was asked. As to healing...that wasn't up to him. With effort, he began shuffling to shelter, allowing himself only the slightest hope for aid. If it would be his death, there were far worse ways to die.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Chapter 104

Jen and Steve followed Blake to his car. The plan was to head back to their homes, get some supplies, and then move in at the hideout while Humbot did some research on the Colonel. Jen stopped short when she realized what kind of car Blake had been driving.

"A black Audi? Were you the ones following me?" she asked, on the edge of hysterics.

"That was us," Humbot said. "Did you get Blake's flowers?"

"Wait, those were from you?"

"Yes," Blake blushed, "Humbot was driving and got a little carried away."

"It's true," Humbot said, "I am a bad driver."

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Chapter 103

The room was furnished with a deep couch, dark green and inviting. Jen sat on the edge of the couch wearily and looked up at Steve, who was pacing the room.

"We've seen some strange stuff tonight, haven't we?" she opened.

"I knew something was off when Liz's mom was nice to me."

"What do we do, Steve?"

"I don't know. We have a psycho trying to kill you, this guy claiming to be from the future - with an android who speaks hypertext - and a mysterious...something driving off the psycho. Your ex-boyfriend is probably dead in Flower Gardens, and the prom afterparties are starting and Gar is going to wonder why I haven't met them at the bowling alley."

"Are you seriously concerned about your afterparty?"

"No. Just talking without thinking," Steve said absently.

"Here's what I think," Jen said, "I think we have no recourse but to trust Blake."

"Blake Blakesly."

"Yes, Blake Blakesly. We think he's crazy, yes, but we KNOW what his psychosis is - the Colonel, on the other hand, is apparently a psychopath. With glass-exploding powers. Who is not even trying to help us." Jen was at a loss. The couch was, however, ridiculously comfortable.

"So you're for putting our trust in Blake Blakesly?"

"Considering the alternative is to be killed by the Colonel, yes."

Monday, October 1, 2007

Chapter 102

Jen had to admit - as far as hideouts went, Blake and Humbot had a pretty nice one. From the outside, it was a kind-of-run-down suburban home. The inside, however, was full of luxurious decor. High-end electronics dominated the room in which they rested. Humbot happily served her and Steve some hot chocolate while they listened to the (frankly ridiculous) story of banishment and time travel, of an absurd military theocracy government, of a mine was too crazy to not be true.

"...and that brings us to tonight." Blake concluded.

"Wait a second," Steve said, "what about the purple nurple? Explain that!"

"Of course," Humbot said, "that was the test."

"What fricking test?"

"Steve, remember how I said we didn't know where to go until the newspaper article about you being a star scholar? Well, a few years ago - right when we got here, in fact, we thought we had located the star scholar. I mean, that's what the Reverend-General sent us back for, among other things. So we found an astronomer, as that seemed like an obvious choice, and gave him the test. He failed and died during the test. We left town for a while and then came back to set up shop and wait."

"Wait - you killed the astronomer with a purple nurple?"

"It wasn't intentional, Steve. We're not here to hurt people. We're here to help people. All people."

"Riiiiiggggght. Jen, can I talk to you in the other room?"