Friday, September 14, 2007

Chapter 92

Steve laughed as he watched the crew pile into the limo. True to form, Bobby B was making disgusting gestures behind the backs of all the girls in the group. Stoner was smiling awkwardly (why a kid with an orthodontist for a dad would have such a dorky smile amused Steve on a level he couldn't quite identify), and Gar was trying to impress everyone's dates.

As they pulled away, Gar and Liz popped out of the sunroof for one final wave goodbye. The limo abruptly stopped, and Steve could almost hear the driver remonstrating them for going through the sunroof while the car was moving. The two of them dipped back down out of sight, and Steve smiled and dorkily waved at the departing car.

He turned to get back into his own car and abruptly realized - he had left his iPod at Liz's house. As he knew that this was a night for music to say what he couldn't, he knew he'd have to go back. Though the trip might not be entirely wasted - maybe there were brownies left.

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