Friday, June 29, 2007

Chapter 32

Ever since the Android Incident from two years' previous, the heretics had been forced to unload any shipments of androids that arrived at the Work Camp. Blake and the other shunned prisoners worked swiftly, not giving the guards any chance to use their brainstingers. It was the third crate he opened - an android like any other. Humanoid in appearance, distinguishable by its lack of belly button and inability to use inflection in its voice. Brown hair, realistic enough. Blake got his clipboard ready.


"Humbot." The droid pronounced it hyoom-bot.



"Any known defects?" Blake was bored.

"I occasionally lapse into hypertext when I speak. This has caused damages in courtroom settings. As such, I was marked as defective and sent here."

"Hypertext, huh? No one's used that for a long time." Blake was, despite himself, intrigued.

"I am aware of this. Such are my sins."

"Humbot, could you speak some hypertext now?"

"I certainly could. 'When placing pearls before swine, make sure the pigs won't eat them.'"

Blake frantically looked around to ensure no one had overheard. "A saying from the East? Keep that quiet around here."

"Certainly. What may I call you?"

"My name is Blake Blakesly."

"We are well-met, Blake Blakesly."

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